
【 求人採用ドットコム】求人・転職

エリア 業種 雇用形態 派遣・契約社員 京都 エンジニア・Web・IT 新着

Build Carrier as a Software Engineer.b-cause., inc.


Employment Status: Full Time
Department: Research & Development
Work Location: Minami ward,Kyoto
Nearest station: Kintetsu Takeda Station.

Work Content
· Programming language – C++ c
· Production and operation check of in-house controller PC
· Operation check of control board.
· Communication support with Chinese developers.
· Other internal operations.
Working hours: 8:30 am-5:00 pm

Holiday: Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.

Salary[Monthly]: Depending on experience and skills

o -For new graduates: 220,000-270,000

o -In case of midway: 250,000-320,000

Other Core Benefits:
§ Bonus: twice a year (previous year: 1 month x 2 times)
§ Raise: Once a year.
§ Social insurance: Health insurance, welfare pension insurance, workers' compensation insurance, employment insurance.
§ Commuting allowance (full amount).
§ Welcome party (twice a year).

Application conditions:
o Bachelor degree from Computer science/IT engineering.
o Japanese: Daily conversation level.

Welcome condition - Experience of using C ++
Application method: Please send us your update English & Japanese resume at

いいね ! しよう

企業名 b-cause., inc.
ホームページ http://www.hiwork.jp/
電話番号 0357334264
メッセージ o Bachelor degree from Computer science/IT engineering.
o Japanese: Daily conversation level.
勤務地・アクセス Minami ward,Kyoto
勤務日・時間 8:30 am-5:00 pm
応募資格 Application conditions:
o Bachelor degree from Computer science/IT engineering.
o Japanese: Daily conversation level.
給与・報酬 Salary[Monthly]: Depending on experience and skills
o -For new graduates: 220,000-270,000
o -In case of midway: 250,000-320,000

Work Content
· Programming language – C++ c
· Production and operation check of in-house controller PC
· Operation check of control board.
· Communication support with Chinese developers.
· Other internal operations.

-エリア, 業種, 雇用形態, 派遣・契約社員, 京都, エンジニア・Web・IT, 新着

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